Unbounded Maps - Simplified Token

In general, inifinite data structures that can actually grow to billions of elements are very difficult to implement on blockchain. As the contract persistent state grows in size, read and write operations become more expensive in gas. In the extreme, they may cost more than a transaction gas limit, rendering the contract unusable.

It is therefore important to design contracts to have an upper bound on state size. If so, how would we implement a token with a map of balances that can scale to billions of holders?

Infinitely scalable balance map

The secret of infinite scalability on TON is sharding the data across multiple contracts. We can apply the parent-child design pattern to do just this.

In this example, we hold the balance of every holder in a separate child contract.

To transfer tokens, the owner sends the Transfer message to the child contract holding their own balance. This will cause the child to deploy its sibling - the child contract holding the recipient's balance - by sending it the InternalAddTokens message.

This example also handles gas efficiently. The excess gas from every operation is refunded to the original sender.

All Examples
import "@stdlib/ownable";

message Mint {
    amount: Int;
    receiver: Address;

contract SampleJetton with Jetton {
    totalSupply: Int as coins;
    owner: Address;
    content: Cell;
    mintable: Bool;

    max_supply: Int as coins; 

    init(owner: Address, content: Cell, max_supply: Int) {
        self.totalSupply = 0;
        self.owner = owner;
        self.mintable = true;
        self.content = content;

        self.max_supply = max_supply; // Initial Setting for max_supply

    receive(msg: Mint) {
        let ctx: Context = context();
        require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Not Owner");
        require(self.mintable, "Can't Mint Anymore");
        self.mint(msg.receiver, msg.amount, self.owner); // (to, amount, response_destination)

    receive("Mint: 100") { // Public Minting
        let ctx: Context = context();
        require(self.mintable, "Can't Mint Anymore");
        self.mint(ctx.sender, 100, self.owner);

    receive("Owner: MintClose") {
        let ctx: Context = context();
        require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Not Owner");
        self.mintable = false;

struct JettonData {
    totalSupply: Int;
    mintable: Bool;
    owner: Address;
    content: Cell;
    walletCode: Cell;

// ============================================================================================================ //
trait Jetton with Ownable {

    totalSupply: Int; // Already set initially 
    mintable: Bool;
    owner: Address;
    content: Cell;

    max_supply: Int; // This is not in the TEP-74 interface

    receive(msg: TokenUpdateContent) {
        self.requireOwner();                // Allow changing content only by owner
        self.content = msg.content;         // Update content

    receive(msg: TokenBurnNotification) {
        self.requireWallet(msg.owner);                     // Check wallet
        self.totalSupply = self.totalSupply - msg.amount; // Update supply

        if (msg.response_destination != null) { // Cashback
                to: msg.response_destination!!, 
                value: 0,
                bounce: false,
                mode: SendRemainingValue + SendIgnoreErrors,
                body: TokenExcesses{
                    queryId: msg.queryId

    // @to The Address receive the Jetton token after minting
    // @amount The amount of Jetton token being minted
    // @response_destination The previous owner address
    fun mint(to: Address, amount: Int, response_destination: Address) {
        require(self.totalSupply + amount <= self.max_supply, "The total supply will be overlapping.");
        self.totalSupply = self.totalSupply + amount; // Update total supply

        let winit: StateInit = self.getJettonWalletInit(to); // Create message
            to: contractAddress(winit), 
            value: 0, 
            bounce: false,
            mode: SendRemainingValue,
            body: TokenTransferInternal{ 
                queryId: 0,
                amount: amount,
                from: myAddress(),
                response_destination: response_destination,
                forward_ton_amount: 0,
                forward_payload: emptySlice()
            code: winit.code,
            data: winit.data

    fun requireWallet(owner: Address) {
        let ctx: Context = context();
        let winit: StateInit = self.getJettonWalletInit(owner);
        require(contractAddress(winit) == ctx.sender, "Invalid sender");

    virtual fun getJettonWalletInit(address: Address): StateInit {
        return initOf JettonDefaultWallet(myAddress(), address);

    // ====== Get Methods ====== //
    get fun get_jetton_data(): JettonData {
        let code: Cell = self.getJettonWalletInit(myAddress()).code;
        return JettonData{ 
            totalSupply: self.totalSupply, 
            mintable: self.mintable, 
            owner: self.owner, 
            content: self.content, 
            walletCode: code

    get fun get_wallet_address(owner: Address): Address {
        let winit: StateInit = self.getJettonWalletInit(owner);
        return contractAddress(winit);
// ============================================================ //
contract JettonDefaultWallet {
    const minTonsForStorage: Int = ton("0.01");
    const gasConsumption: Int = ton("0.01");

    balance: Int;
    owner: Address;
    master: Address;

    init(master: Address, owner: Address) {
        self.balance = 0;
        self.owner = owner;
        self.master = master;

    receive(msg: TokenTransfer) { // 0xf8a7ea5
        let ctx: Context = context(); // Check sender
        require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Invalid sender");

        // Gas checks
        let fwdFee: Int = ctx.readForwardFee() + ctx.readForwardFee();  
        let final: Int =  2 * self.gasConsumption + self.minTonsForStorage + fwdFee;
        require(ctx.value > min(final, ton("0.01")), "Invalid value!!"); 

        // Update balance
        self.balance = self.balance - msg.amount; 
        require(self.balance >= 0, "Invalid balance");

        let init: StateInit = initOf JettonDefaultWallet(self.master, msg.destination);  
        let walletAddress: Address = contractAddress(init);
                to: walletAddress, 
                value: 0,
                mode: SendRemainingValue, 
                bounce: false,
                body: TokenTransferInternal{
                    queryId: msg.queryId,
                    amount: msg.amount,
                    from: self.owner,
                    response_destination: msg.response_destination,
                    forward_ton_amount: msg.forward_ton_amount,
                    forward_payload: msg.forward_payload
                code: init.code,
                data: init.data

    receive(msg: TokenTransferInternal) { // 0x178d4519
        let ctx: Context = context();

        if (ctx.sender != self.master) {
            let sinit: StateInit = initOf JettonDefaultWallet(self.master, msg.from);
            require(contractAddress(sinit) == ctx.sender, "Invalid sender!");

        // Update balance
        self.balance = self.balance + msg.amount;
        require(self.balance >= 0, "Invalid balance"); 
        // Get value for gas
        let msgValue: Int = self.msgValue(ctx.value);  
        let fwdFee: Int = ctx.readForwardFee();
        msgValue = msgValue - msg.forward_ton_amount - fwdFee;
         // 0x7362d09c - notify the new owner of JettonToken that the transfer is complete
        if (msg.forward_ton_amount > 0) { 
                to: self.owner,
                value: msg.forward_ton_amount,
                mode: SendPayGasSeparately + SendIgnoreErrors,
                bounce: false,
                body: TokenNotification {
                    queryId: msg.queryId,
                    amount: msg.amount,
                    from: msg.from,
                    forward_payload: msg.forward_payload

        // 0xd53276db -- Cashback to the original Sender
        if (msg.response_destination != null) { 
            send(SendParameters {
                to: msg.response_destination, 
                value: msgValue,  
                bounce: false,
                body: TokenExcesses { 
                    queryId: msg.queryId
                mode: SendIgnoreErrors

    receive(msg: TokenBurn) {
        let ctx: Context = context();
        require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "Invalid sender");  // Check sender

        self.balance = self.balance - msg.amount; // Update balance
        require(self.balance >= 0, "Invalid balance");

        let fwdFee: Int = ctx.readForwardFee(); // Gas checks
        require(ctx.value > fwdFee + 2 * self.gasConsumption + self.minTonsForStorage, "Invalid value - Burn");

        // Burn tokens
            to: self.master,
            value: 0,
            mode: SendRemainingValue,
            bounce: true,
            body: TokenBurnNotification{
                queryId: msg.queryId,
                amount: msg.amount,
                owner: self.owner,
                response_destination: self.owner

    get fun msgValue(value: Int): Int {
        let msgValue: Int = value;
        let tonBalanceBeforeMsg: Int = myBalance() - msgValue;
        let storageFee: Int = self.minTonsForStorage - min(tonBalanceBeforeMsg, self.minTonsForStorage);
        msgValue = msgValue - (storageFee + self.gasConsumption);
        return msgValue;

    bounced(src: bounced) {
        self.balance = self.balance + src.amount;

    bounced(src: bounced) {
        self.balance = self.balance + src.amount;

    get fun get_wallet_data(): JettonWalletData {
        return JettonWalletData{
            balance: self.balance,
            owner: self.owner,
            master: self.master,
            walletCode: (initOf JettonDefaultWallet(self.master, self.owner)).code

struct JettonWalletData {
    balance: Int;
    owner: Address;
    master: Address;
    walletCode: Cell;

message(0xf8a7ea5) TokenTransfer {
    queryId: Int as uint64;
    amount: Int as coins;
    destination: Address;
    response_destination: Address;
    custom_payload: Cell?;
    forward_ton_amount: Int as coins;
    forward_payload: Slice as remaining; // Comment Text message when Transfer the jetton

message(0x178d4519) TokenTransferInternal {
    queryId: Int as uint64;
    amount: Int as coins;
    from: Address;
    response_destination: Address;
    forward_ton_amount: Int as coins;
    forward_payload: Slice as remaining; // Comment Text message when Transfer the jetton

message(0x7362d09c) TokenNotification {
    queryId: Int as uint64;
    amount: Int as coins;
    from: Address;
    forward_payload: Slice as remaining; // Comment Text message when Transfer the jetton 

message(0x595f07bc) TokenBurn {
    queryId: Int as uint64;
    amount: Int as coins;
    owner: Address;
    response_destination: Address;

message(0x7bdd97de) TokenBurnNotification {
    queryId: Int as uint64;
    amount: Int as coins;
    owner: Address;
    response_destination: Address?;

message(0xd53276db) TokenExcesses {
    queryId: Int as uint64;

message TokenUpdateContent {
    content: Cell;