Message Sender

Every incoming message is sent from some contract that has an address.

You can query the address of the message sender by calling sender(). Alternatively, the address is also available through context().sender.

The sender during execution of the init() method of the contract is the address who deployed the contract.

Authenticating messages

The main way to authenticate an incoming message, particularly for priviliges actions, is to verify the sender. This field is secure and impossible to fake.

Info: More detail about context can be found here: context()

All Examples
import "@stdlib/deploy";

struct Point {
    x: Int as int64;
    y: Int as int64;

struct Params {
    name: String = "Satoshi";   // default value
    age: Int? = null;           // optional field
    point: Point;               // nested structs

message Add {
    point: Point;               // message can hold a struct

contract Structs with Deployable {

    // contract persistent state variables
    s1: Point;
    s2: Params;

    init() {
        self.s1 = Point{x: 2, y: 3};
        self.s2 = Params{point: self.s1};

    receive("show ops") {
        // temporary variable
        let s: Point = Point{x: 4, y: 5};

        self.s1 = s;

    receive(msg: Add) {
        self.s1.x = self.s1.x + msg.point.x;
        self.s1.y = self.s1.y + msg.point.y;

    get fun point(): Point {
        return self.s1;

    get fun params(): Params {
        return self.s2;